
Group: DynoMotion Message: 14926 From: tesotronics Date: 7/14/2017
Subject: step respone on a SetFRO() change


I'm working on an EDM machine where I need to control the feedate continuously.
In order to do so, I've setup an analog input that sets SetFRO() in an endless loop, so I can control the feedrate with an analog voltage on the fly.
I noticed however that the speed of the FRO response when the analog voltage changes quickly is quite sluggish, so it seems that between the SetFRO() call and the real FRO some filtering is taking place.
Where can I modify this response/filter? I tried to speed up the response by increasing the speed, acceleration and jerk parameters for the 2 channels, but that does not work.



Group: DynoMotion Message: 14927 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 7/14/2017
Subject: Re: step respone on a SetFRO() change

Hi Mike,

There shouldn't be any delay (<180us).  The "Rate of Time" should start changing instantaneously.  But it doesn't change instantly as that would likely cause a motor stall or fault.  Instead it ramps to the new rate.

The standard rate of change will be based on the Axis defined in the Coordinate System that takes the longest to stop from full speed.  Which Axes are defined in your Coordinate System and what are their Velocities, Accelerations, and Jerks?

Alternately there is a call that allows you to specify the rate (indirectly as a stopping time, smaller time = faster rate of change).  See:

void SetFROwRate(float FRO, float DecelTime); // change from current to the specified FRO (FRO=1.0=Realtime)using a rate based on caller specified time to change from 1.0 to 0.0




On 7/14/2017 11:06 AM, mike.bax@... [DynoMotion] wrote:


I'm working on an EDM machine where I need to control the feedate continuously.
In order to do so, I've setup an analog input that sets SetFRO() in an endless loop, so I can control the feedrate with an analog voltage on the fly.
I noticed however that the speed of the FRO response when the analog voltage changes quickly is quite sluggish, so it seems that between the SetFRO() call and the real FRO some filtering is taking place.
Where can I modify this response/filter? I tried to speed up the response by increasing the speed, acceleration and jerk parameters for the 2 channels, but that does not work.



Group: DynoMotion Message: 14928 From: tesotronics Date: 7/14/2017
Subject: Re: step respone on a SetFRO() change
Thanks Tom!

By using SetFROwRate() with a fast rate, my slow response issue has been resolved. WEDM machines need to change the feedrate fast in order to control the voltage over the arc (gap width).

If you like to show customers a nice Wire-EDM application of your product, you can point them to this website, were all details are given:



Group: DynoMotion Message: 14931 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 7/16/2017
Subject: Re: step respone on a SetFRO() change

Hi Mike,

Very cool, professional, looking system.

Thanks for sharing.



On 7/14/2017 4:19 PM, mike.bax@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Thanks Tom!

By using SetFROwRate() with a fast rate, my slow response issue has been resolved. WEDM machines need to change the feedrate fast in order to control the voltage over the arc (gap width).

If you like to show customers a nice Wire-EDM application of your product, you can point them to this website, were all details are given:

